  • Corinth IV
  • Corinth IV
  • Corinth IV
  • Corinth IV
  • Planeta en el cual está situado una base de la Flota Estelar al mando de José Dominguez. En el año 2266 el USS Enterprise debía llevar a la base unos suministros, pero esa misión se vió demorada por la muerte del tripulante Darnell en el planeta M-113.
  • Corinth IV is a Federation member planet located in the Beta Quadrant. In the 2260s, Corinth IV was the location of a Starfleet starbase and was commanded by José Dominguez. In 2266, the USS Enterprise was due to visit Corinth IV following its mission to M-113. (TOS episode: "The Man Trap") The Federation starship USS Corinth IV was named for this planet.
  • Corinth IV was the inhabited fourth planet of its star system. In 2266, Space Commander José Dominguez was the commander of a Federation starship base on Corinth IV. This base sent a message to the USS Enterprise requesting an explanation for the delay in delivering urgently needed supplies. Captain James T. Kirk sent a message that the prime Mexican red chili peppers, which he claimed to have hand-picked, would be delivered in a few days. (TOS: "The Man Trap" ) This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
  • Corinth IV era l'ubicazione di una base di navi stellari nel XXIII secolo comdandata da José Dominguez nel 2266. In quell'anno, Dominguez inviò un messaggio a James T. Kirk, capitano della USS Enterprise, per ricordargli di essere in possesso di scorte delle quali "abbisognava urgentemente." Kirk gli inviò a sua volta un messaggio informandolo che i peperoncini rossi messicani che aveva raccolto di persona gli sarebbero giunti dopo qualche giorno. (TOS: "Trappola umana")
  • Corinth IV ist ein Planet. Die Sternenflotte unterhält auf diesem Planeten eine Raumflottenbasis. Im Jahr 2266 ist José Dominguez Kommandant der Basis, zur der die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) dringend benötigte Vorräte liefern soll. Die Enterprise verspätet sich jedoch aufgrund der Untersuchung der Todesfälle durch einen „Salzvampir“ vom Planeten M-113. (TOS: )
  • Planeta en el cual está situado una base de la Flota Estelar al mando de José Dominguez. En el año 2266 el USS Enterprise debía llevar a la base unos suministros, pero esa misión se vió demorada por la muerte del tripulante Darnell en el planeta M-113.
  • Corinth IV is a Federation member planet located in the Beta Quadrant. In the 2260s, Corinth IV was the location of a Starfleet starbase and was commanded by José Dominguez. In 2266, the USS Enterprise was due to visit Corinth IV following its mission to M-113. (TOS episode: "The Man Trap") The Federation starship USS Corinth IV was named for this planet.
  • Corinth IV was the inhabited fourth planet of its star system. In 2266, Space Commander José Dominguez was the commander of a Federation starship base on Corinth IV. This base sent a message to the USS Enterprise requesting an explanation for the delay in delivering urgently needed supplies. Captain James T. Kirk sent a message that the prime Mexican red chili peppers, which he claimed to have hand-picked, would be delivered in a few days. (TOS: "The Man Trap" ) This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
  • Corinth IV ist ein Planet. Die Sternenflotte unterhält auf diesem Planeten eine Raumflottenbasis. Im Jahr 2266 ist José Dominguez Kommandant der Basis, zur der die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) dringend benötigte Vorräte liefern soll. Die Enterprise verspätet sich jedoch aufgrund der Untersuchung der Todesfälle durch einen „Salzvampir“ vom Planeten M-113. (TOS: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planeten­systems mit der Bezeich­nung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planeten­systems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigen­namen nach dem dazu­gehörigen Zentral­gestirn zu benennen.
  • Corinth IV era l'ubicazione di una base di navi stellari nel XXIII secolo comdandata da José Dominguez nel 2266. In quell'anno, Dominguez inviò un messaggio a James T. Kirk, capitano della USS Enterprise, per ricordargli di essere in possesso di scorte delle quali "abbisognava urgentemente." Kirk gli inviò a sua volta un messaggio informandolo che i peperoncini rossi messicani che aveva raccolto di persona gli sarebbero giunti dopo qualche giorno. (TOS: "Trappola umana")
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