  • Quebec
  • Quebec
  • Quebec
  • Quebec
  • Quebec
  • Quebec
  • This article needs an introduction. Typically this would be a single paragraph. One option is to see if there is a similar page in wikipedia from which suitable and relevant content can be copied. Remember Sustainable Community Action wiki has a different purpose to Wikipedia, for example it is not seeking to be as encyclopedic. Please remember to include the {{EnWP|(page name)}} template to the article if you copy content from wikipedia.
  • La ciudad de Quebec es la cabecera del Clan Cipres. Está localizada en la zona centro del país, en las tierras bajas del Océano Pacífico. La ciudad ocupa un extenso valle, y tiene una elevación de 47,5 metros sobre el nivel del mar. La población de Quebec es de más de 175,000 habitantes.
  • Name: Quebec Year: 1999
  • Quebec is the largest province of Canada.
  • Quebec shares many units with France.
  • Quebec is a Caucasian male Active in the Dollhouse. David Law is credited as playing the role in the episode "Needs." Quebec is seen by Echo, November, Sierra, and Victor when he and his handler are returning from an engagement during that episode. As of episode 8, nothing is known about Quebec.
  • Quebec is a province in Canada. On the second of May 1956, it was the birthplace of Colonel Abraham Ellis. (SGA: "The DVD Collection 90")
  • Quebec är en plats i Kanada. På den andra i maj 1956, var det födelseplats Abraham Ellis. (ATL: "Stargate Atlantis: The DVD Collection 90")
  • Quebec is a largely French-using province of Canada. It is the remnant of what was New France, and is the largest Canadian province. Le capital national est la ville de Québec et la ville la plus grande est Montréal (Mount Royal), anciennement Ville-Marie, et avant cela Hochelaga. La devise nationale est Je me souviens (I remember), présumablement le temps avant la domination brittanique.
  • Quebec (również z francuskiego Québec)-miasto i stolica Kanady Brytyjskiej. Siedziba Gubernatora Generalnego, oraz Sądu Powszechnego Wielkich Dominiów. Leży nad rzeką św. Wawrzyńca. Kategoria:Miejscowości Kategoria:Stolice Kategoria:Miasta Kategoria:Kanada Brytyjska
  • Państwo frankofonów. Francuskojęzyczni separatyści kanadyjscy. Język: francuski (interesy dokonane w innym uważane sa za nieważne) Gendarmerie: Tak naprawdę, ta jednostka militarno-policyjna złożona jest z najemników. Waluta: Franki System karny: karę śmierci wykonuje się gilotyną. Nagrody: za Dzoo-Noo-qua
  • Quebec is a Twist Nation. The Quebec territory was taken from Britain in the War of 1812 by the United States. Quite soon after, the United States and France came to an agreement on a territory swap.The culture of Quebec is a Western culture that is rooted in the history and society of the French-speaking majority. As the only region in North America with a French-speaking majority.
  • Québec is the predominantly French-speaking province located in east-central Canada. It is the largest province in Canada based on land area, and the second-most populous province in the country. Natural resources, aerospace, information and communication technologies, biotechnology, and the pharmaceutical industry comprise a majority of the province's economy. The CSM hid in a cabin in North Hatley, Québec in the late 1990s (see The Red and the Black). See Wikipedia:Quebec
  • Quebec is a province in Canada. It was a Laff-A-Lympics site.
  • Quebec is a province in Canada. The fake driver's license for Lacy Laplante that Nancy Botwin uses is from Quebec, along with her fake SSN, the Canadian SIN Card.
  • Quebec is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. The nation is a former colonial nation, which can only be formed if said nation breaks away from the mother country. Its government is a Constitutional Republic.
  • It has a population of about 7,750,000. Its capital is Quebec City and its largest city is Montreal.
  • Quebec or Québec, officially the Republic of Québec (French: République du Québec), is a country in northern North America that borders Canada in the west and Newfoundland in the east. Its capital is Ville de Québec.
  • Quebec is a former third world country and distant relative of France that borders Canada, New York, and New England. It was once part of the country, but separated when Canada was war torn. Quebec had one of the highest crime rates in YouTube Poop World History, with 6/10 people being murdered during the rule of Kefka. After the Quebec Revolution, Philippe Couillard brought the nation to greatness.
  • The flag of Quebec, Canada, known as Fleurdelysé, is blue with a white cross through the centre, dividing the flag into quarters; in each quarter there is a white fleur-de-lis.
  • <default>Quebec</default> Location Position Ruler Appearance Quebec is a province in Canada that was settled by the French in the 1600s. The British captured it from the French during the French and Indian War in 1763. (Culminating in The Battle of the Plains of Abraham). This is the main French speaking center of Canada, as well as the farthest North part of the Olympian gods realm.
  • The Great lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland is a bowl-shaped depression in the Great Lakes area (excluding Superior). It houses what was once the province capitol Montréal and the almost entirely submerged stretch of ruins east of the St. Lawrence River from Saint-Hyacinthe to Baie-Comeau.
  • Quebec is a large province in Canada. There are English speakers and also French speakers in Quebec. Quebec reaches from Hudson Bay in the North to the United States in the South. The climate is fairly temperate.
  • Quebecday.png|Quebec at daytime Quebecnight.png|Quebec at night Quebec City is a city in , in . It has a population of 0.72 Million people and it is a . It is the only Canadian province that has a predominantly French-speaking population, and the only one to have French as its sole provincial official language.
  • Quebec (i/kwɨˈbɛk/ or /kɨˈbɛk/; French: Québec [kebɛk] is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province that has a predominantly French speaking population and French as the sole official language at the provincial level More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
  • Quebec is Canada's largest province by area and the second largest in terms of population. It is bordered to the west by the province of Ontario, James Bay, and Hudson Bay; to the north by Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay; to the east by the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador; it is bordered on the south by the province of New Brunswick and the U.S. states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. It also shares maritime borders with Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia.
  • Quebec (French: Québec) is a landshire in the eastern deal of Canada. It is the only landshire in Canada with mainly French-speaking folk, and whose revetung is French. Quebec is Canada's biggest landshire by landspan. It neighbours the landshire of Ontario to the west, Hudson's Bight to the west and north, and the Bight of Holy Lawrence and the landshires of Newfoundland and the Golden Arm as well as New Brunswick to the east. To the south it neighbours the Americish folkdoms of New York, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
  • Quebec (pronounced kay-beck) is the only part of Canada that doesn't deserve pork fat goth chicks in hell. But that doesn't mean they won't go to hell with the rest of their Candian brethren, they'll just get the cosolation of being invited Quebec City is the province's capital. It was one of the first european settlements in North America. So this makes Quebec City Freedom's first capital. Quebec is also rumored to be the headquarters of an international bear conspiracy designed to pry Maine away from the United States. As well as Vermont.
  • Quebec or Québec is a province of the nation of Canada on Earth. There have been movements for the province to secede from Canada and become an independent nation. It has not been shown in either aired or published Trek if such a movement was successful. Jean Charest was Prime minister of Quebec for nearly the entire duration of the 2012 Quebec student strike. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Chronicles of Taladu") Black Nova Weapons Systems, a manufacturer of photon torpedoes and associated launch systems, had a facility in Quebec in the 2280s. (Reischl's Guide to Ships of the Fleet)
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the wiki covering this topic or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link below will redirect you to the Quebec Wikipedia article. Take me to the Wikipedia [ Quebec] article. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages can be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Quebec link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article.
  • Quebec is a province within Canada, the only one which is officially french speaking and which has and overall majority of residents of french descent (roughly 80%). What is now Quebec has undergone many name and boundary changes over the years but its most populous area, the Saint Lawrence valley, can be considered to be its core when one talks about the history of the province. The Province of Canada was split off once more in 1867 during Confederation to become the province of Ontario (west) and Quebec (east) within the Dominion of Canada.
  • While McClane and Zeus are trapped with the bomb inside the boat, John tells Simon he has a very bad headache and asks for some aspirin, to which Simon responds by throwing a bottle to McClane. Then after escaping the boat with Zeus, the NYPD find them and bring them to safety; McClane calls his wife Holly but before he can do anything, he notices the bottle cap which its inscription reads 'Nord des Lignes' (French for 'North of the Border'). He then finds out Simon is headed for Quebec, Canada. So he immediately tells the NYPD to fly him there.
  • Québec is the province with the highest concentration of French-speaking Canadians. Its capital is Quebec, also known as Quebec City (Capitale nationale). A majority of Quebecois are French-speaking; there are however 500 thousand English-speaking Quebecois. The ratio is 8:1, but 3:1 in Montréal. The highest concentration of anglophones in Quebec is on the West Shore of Montreal, including places like Point Claire, St-Anne-de-Belle-vue and Beaconsfield. Ils votent le plus souvent Libéral. 2011 Federal: NDP 59 - Liberal 7 - Tory 5 - Bloc quebecois 4. = 75
  • Quebec /kwɨˈbɛk/ or /kɨˈbɛk/ (French: Québec [kebɛk] (File:Speaker Icon.svg listen)) is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province that has a predominantly French speaking population and French as the sole official language at the provincial level.
LandArea km
  • 1365128
  • Philippe Couillard
  • Daniel Johnson, Jr.
  • 2009
Row 4 info
Row 7 title
  • Official Language
Row 1 info
Row 4 title
  • Premier
Row 2 info
Row 6 info
  • 8080550
Row 1 title
  • Capital City
Row 5 info
  • 1542056.0
Row 2 title
  • Largest City
Row 6 title
  • Population
Row 5 title
  • Area
Row 3 info
Row 3 title
  • Largest Metro Area
Row 7 info
  • French and English
  • 2
  • ~1900
Box Title
  • Quebec
  • Québec
  • La république du Québec
  • 1
  • QUE
  • 2
GDP year
  • 2009
  • 5
  • Alive
  • The Lost Hero
  • Coat of arms of Québec.svg
Density km
  • 5.800000
  • National Assembly of Quebec
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • Quebec
  • Quebec / Nation du Québec
  • Province
  • Flag of Quebec
  • 1867-07-01
  • Male
GDP rank
  • 2
  • 75
  • 11.500000
  • LAL: Quebec and Baghdad
HDI Color
  • 4
  • None
  • France
  • UK
  • RoC
  • Texas
  • 24
  • French
  • Quebec Franc
  • 121.45
  • The Incredible Hulk: The Big Picture
WaterArea km
  • 176928
GDP per capita rank
  • 10
  • Western
  • 14
  • 7171232
  • 8080550
  • Canadians
  • 1
GDP per capita
  • C$37,278
  • 1950-03-09
  • --06-24
  • 2
  • Catholic
  • QC
  • 2012
  • QuebecMap.png
  • 593217
  • 1542056
  • Provincial
  • GMT
  • UTC−5, −4
  • 0.769000
  • Constitutional Republic
GDP total
  • C$319 billion
  • None
Image width
  • 200
  • Elphège Filiatrault
  • CA-QC
  • Quebec
  • Je me souviens
TotalArea km
  • 1542056
  • Canadian Province
  • 40
  • Flag of Quebec.svgborder
Label map
  • no
  • Quebecer
  • Oui
  • 1000000
  • (Québec )
  • Cosmopolitaine
  • Quebecflag.png
  • NATO
  • UNA
  • OAS
  • La Francophonie
  • This article needs an introduction. Typically this would be a single paragraph. One option is to see if there is a similar page in wikipedia from which suitable and relevant content can be copied. Remember Sustainable Community Action wiki has a different purpose to Wikipedia, for example it is not seeking to be as encyclopedic. Please remember to include the {{EnWP|(page name)}} template to the article if you copy content from wikipedia.
  • Quebec (French: Québec) is a landshire in the eastern deal of Canada. It is the only landshire in Canada with mainly French-speaking folk, and whose revetung is French. Quebec is Canada's biggest landshire by landspan. It neighbours the landshire of Ontario to the west, Hudson's Bight to the west and north, and the Bight of Holy Lawrence and the landshires of Newfoundland and the Golden Arm as well as New Brunswick to the east. To the south it neighbours the Americish folkdoms of New York, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Quebec has the nextmost ledescore in Canada, after Ontario. Its folk are mostly townish, living in the great boroughs near the Holy Lawrence's Waterway, between Kingsbergh (French: Montréal), the widest mickleborough, and Quebec Town (French: Ville de Québec), the headtown of Quebec. Anglishspeakers in Quebec live mainly in the western deal of the iland of Kingsbergh, but also in the shires of Outaouais and Estrie. Northernquebec (French: Nord-du-Quebec) is sparsely lived in and its folk are mainly Oranders. Selfleading is an overweighing share of Quebec's mootsmanship. Frenchcanadian folkstock theeddom is the lorelief of the Quebec Mootband (French: Parti québécois), who believe in sundering from Canada and being a selfleading theed. In 1980 and 1995 folktalks were called to bechoose the selfleading qualm; both were narrowly overcome. Quebec has a strong wealthdom forof its many wells for many things. The lorebased wealthdom is also strong, in herns like loftcraftmaking, bootmaking, lifecraftlore, and kenncraftlore. [Aerospace industry, pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology and information technology] These wealthherns have made Quebec Canada's nextmost landshire by wealthscore.
  • Quebec or Québec is a province of the nation of Canada on Earth. There have been movements for the province to secede from Canada and become an independent nation. It has not been shown in either aired or published Trek if such a movement was successful. In 2012, a major tuition crisis engulfed Quebec, with the 2012 Quebec student strike involving a sizeable chunk of college and university students that went on strike to protest against a $1,625 tuition hike over 5 years, including, but not limited to, students in Concordia University, Edouard Montpetit College, Laval University and the University of Montreal. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Rode the 300", "The Defector (TSF)") Jean Charest was Prime minister of Quebec for nearly the entire duration of the 2012 Quebec student strike. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Chronicles of Taladu") Black Nova Weapons Systems, a manufacturer of photon torpedoes and associated launch systems, had a facility in Quebec in the 2280s. (Reischl's Guide to Ships of the Fleet) Arnaud and Jean-Michel Moreau were born in Quebec City, the capital of the province. (Star Trek: Remington)
  • La ciudad de Quebec es la cabecera del Clan Cipres. Está localizada en la zona centro del país, en las tierras bajas del Océano Pacífico. La ciudad ocupa un extenso valle, y tiene una elevación de 47,5 metros sobre el nivel del mar. La población de Quebec es de más de 175,000 habitantes.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the wiki covering this topic or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link below will redirect you to the Quebec Wikipedia article. Take me to the Wikipedia [ Quebec] article. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages can be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Quebec link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Québec is the province with the highest concentration of French-speaking Canadians. Its capital is Quebec, also known as Quebec City (Capitale nationale). A majority of Quebecois are French-speaking; there are however 500 thousand English-speaking Quebecois. The ratio is 8:1, but 3:1 in Montréal. The highest concentration of anglophones in Quebec is on the West Shore of Montreal, including places like Point Claire, St-Anne-de-Belle-vue and Beaconsfield. Ils votent le plus souvent Libéral. A la derniere élection fédérale, le Parti Néo-Démocrate a gagné le plupart des sieges au Québec. At the last federal election, the NDP won most of the Quebec seats. Le NDP est asteur majoritairement francophone! 2011 Federal: NDP 59 - Liberal 7 - Tory 5 - Bloc quebecois 4. = 75 4/2014 Provincial. Liberal 70 - PQ 30 - Avenir (conservative) 22 - Q-Solidaire (far-left) 3. Pauline Marois (PQ) beaten and resigns as party leader.
  • Quebec is a province within Canada, the only one which is officially french speaking and which has and overall majority of residents of french descent (roughly 80%). What is now Quebec has undergone many name and boundary changes over the years but its most populous area, the Saint Lawrence valley, can be considered to be its core when one talks about the history of the province. Before European colonization, what is now southern Quebec was inhabited by various ethnic groups which were the Abenakis, Atikamekw, Malecites, Mi'kmaqs, Mohawks, Naskapis & Wendats. Although not part of Quebec until much later, the north of the modern day province (also known as Nunavik) was and still is inhabited by the Crees & the Innus. The first Europeans to explore the Saint Lawrence valley were the french who established their first permanent settlement in what is now Quebec City in 1608. More were established in the following years along the Saint Lawrence river between the capital and Montreal (first known as Ville-Marie). The whole of french posessions in North were called New France although the area around the Saint Lawrence valley was more properly refered to as Canada. This is why in later year the term "Canadien" or "canadien-francais" came to be used in various context to refer specifically to people or organisation related to the french colony of Canada and not necessarily as a synonym for "in relation to canadians in general who speaks french". The French colony of Canada, including parts in was is now Ontario and the United States, was conquered by the british during the 7 years war with France officially renouncing its claim to the area in 1763. The whole was renamed Province of Quebec after its capital until after the US revolution when the western part was separated and given to defeated British Loyalists from the southern colonies as many of them did not wish to live under a french catholic majority in the east. The eastern part was then renamed Lower Canada which gained an elected but almost purely consultative assembly. Troubled grew in regard to this lack of power which eventually erupted into 3 years of sporadic uprisings known collectively as the Patriotes Revolt after the name of the political party (Parti Patriote) that gave it its leaders. Lower Canada was then merged by the british authorities with Upper Canada with the intent of eventual assimilation. Though legaly a single entity, often refered to by historians as "United Canada" or "The 2 Canadas", it continued to function as a dual entity with the role of Chief of Government being held jointly by the prime minister of Canada West (former upper canada) and Canada East (former lower canada) The Province of Canada was split off once more in 1867 during Confederation to become the province of Ontario (west) and Quebec (east) within the Dominion of Canada.
  • Name: Quebec Year: 1999
  • Quebec is the largest province of Canada.
  • Quebec shares many units with France.
  • Quebec is a Caucasian male Active in the Dollhouse. David Law is credited as playing the role in the episode "Needs." Quebec is seen by Echo, November, Sierra, and Victor when he and his handler are returning from an engagement during that episode. As of episode 8, nothing is known about Quebec.
  • Quebec is a province in Canada. On the second of May 1956, it was the birthplace of Colonel Abraham Ellis. (SGA: "The DVD Collection 90")
  • Quebec är en plats i Kanada. På den andra i maj 1956, var det födelseplats Abraham Ellis. (ATL: "Stargate Atlantis: The DVD Collection 90")
  • Quebec is a largely French-using province of Canada. It is the remnant of what was New France, and is the largest Canadian province. Le capital national est la ville de Québec et la ville la plus grande est Montréal (Mount Royal), anciennement Ville-Marie, et avant cela Hochelaga. La devise nationale est Je me souviens (I remember), présumablement le temps avant la domination brittanique.
  • Quebec (również z francuskiego Québec)-miasto i stolica Kanady Brytyjskiej. Siedziba Gubernatora Generalnego, oraz Sądu Powszechnego Wielkich Dominiów. Leży nad rzeką św. Wawrzyńca. Kategoria:Miejscowości Kategoria:Stolice Kategoria:Miasta Kategoria:Kanada Brytyjska
  • Państwo frankofonów. Francuskojęzyczni separatyści kanadyjscy. Język: francuski (interesy dokonane w innym uważane sa za nieważne) Gendarmerie: Tak naprawdę, ta jednostka militarno-policyjna złożona jest z najemników. Waluta: Franki System karny: karę śmierci wykonuje się gilotyną. Nagrody: za Dzoo-Noo-qua
  • Quebec /kwɨˈbɛk/ or /kɨˈbɛk/ (French: Québec [kebɛk] (File:Speaker Icon.svg listen)) is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province that has a predominantly French speaking population and French as the sole official language at the provincial level. Quebec is Canada's largest province by area and its second-largest administrative division; only the territory of Nunavut is larger. It is bordered to the west by the province of Ontario, James Bay and Hudson Bay, to the north by Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay, to the east by the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador and New Brunswick. It is bordered on the south by the US states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. It also shares maritime borders with Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. Quebec is Canada's second most populous province, after Ontario. Most inhabitants live in urban areas near the Saint Lawrence River between Montreal and Quebec City, the capital. English-speaking communities and English-language institutions are concentrated in the west of the island of Montreal but are also significantly present in the Outaouais, Eastern Townships, and Gaspé regions. The Nord-du-Québec region, occupying the northern half of the province, is sparsely populated and inhabited primarily by Aboriginal peoples. Quebec independence debates have played a large role in the politics of the province. Parti Québécois governments have held referendums on sovereignty in 1980 and 1995; both were voted down by voters, the latter defeated by a very narrow margin. In 2006, the House of Commons of Canada passed a symbolic motion recognizing the "Québécois as a nation within a united Canada." While the province's substantial natural resources have long been the mainstay of its economy, sectors of the knowledge economy such as aerospace, information and communication technologies, biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry also play leading roles. These many industries have all contributed to helping Quebec become Canada's second most economically influential province, second only to Ontario.
  • Quebec is a Twist Nation. The Quebec territory was taken from Britain in the War of 1812 by the United States. Quite soon after, the United States and France came to an agreement on a territory swap.The culture of Quebec is a Western culture that is rooted in the history and society of the French-speaking majority. As the only region in North America with a French-speaking majority.
  • Québec is the predominantly French-speaking province located in east-central Canada. It is the largest province in Canada based on land area, and the second-most populous province in the country. Natural resources, aerospace, information and communication technologies, biotechnology, and the pharmaceutical industry comprise a majority of the province's economy. The CSM hid in a cabin in North Hatley, Québec in the late 1990s (see The Red and the Black). See Wikipedia:Quebec
  • Quebec is a province in Canada. It was a Laff-A-Lympics site.
  • Quebec is a province in Canada. The fake driver's license for Lacy Laplante that Nancy Botwin uses is from Quebec, along with her fake SSN, the Canadian SIN Card.
  • Quebec is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. The nation is a former colonial nation, which can only be formed if said nation breaks away from the mother country. Its government is a Constitutional Republic.
  • Quebec is Canada's largest province by area and the second largest in terms of population. It is bordered to the west by the province of Ontario, James Bay, and Hudson Bay; to the north by Hudson Strait and Ungava Bay; to the east by the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the province of Newfoundland and Labrador; it is bordered on the south by the province of New Brunswick and the U.S. states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. It also shares maritime borders with Nunavut, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. Quebec was conquered by Britain during the Seven Years' War. After a failed period of attempted assimilation, Britain instead opted to enfranchise the French language and Catholic religion in Quebec in 1774. A precarious balance was achieved between British and French interests. However, the arrival of Loyalists from the newly independent United States in 1784 caused an imbalance. The colony was separated into Lower and Upper Canada. Lower Canada saw a French uprising in the 1830s. After this uprising was put down, the two Canadas were merged into a single province. As the various provinces of what became the modern country of Canada were formed, and unified into a single country during the course of the 19th Century, Quebec was reinstated as a province, and joined the Dominion of Canada. Nonetheless, Quebec independence debates have played a large role in the politics of the province. Parti Québécois governments held referendums on sovereignty in 1980 and 1995; both were voted down by voters, the latter defeated by a very narrow margin. In 2006, the House of Commons of Canada passed a symbolic motion recognizing the "Québécois as a nation within a united Canada."
  • It has a population of about 7,750,000. Its capital is Quebec City and its largest city is Montreal.
  • Quebec or Québec, officially the Republic of Québec (French: République du Québec), is a country in northern North America that borders Canada in the west and Newfoundland in the east. Its capital is Ville de Québec.
  • Quebec is a former third world country and distant relative of France that borders Canada, New York, and New England. It was once part of the country, but separated when Canada was war torn. Quebec had one of the highest crime rates in YouTube Poop World History, with 6/10 people being murdered during the rule of Kefka. After the Quebec Revolution, Philippe Couillard brought the nation to greatness.
  • The flag of Quebec, Canada, known as Fleurdelysé, is blue with a white cross through the centre, dividing the flag into quarters; in each quarter there is a white fleur-de-lis.
  • <default>Quebec</default> Location Position Ruler Appearance Quebec is a province in Canada that was settled by the French in the 1600s. The British captured it from the French during the French and Indian War in 1763. (Culminating in The Battle of the Plains of Abraham). This is the main French speaking center of Canada, as well as the farthest North part of the Olympian gods realm.
  • While McClane and Zeus are trapped with the bomb inside the boat, John tells Simon he has a very bad headache and asks for some aspirin, to which Simon responds by throwing a bottle to McClane. Then after escaping the boat with Zeus, the NYPD find them and bring them to safety; McClane calls his wife Holly but before he can do anything, he notices the bottle cap which its inscription reads 'Nord des Lignes' (French for 'North of the Border'). He then finds out Simon is headed for Quebec, Canada. So he immediately tells the NYPD to fly him there. Meanwhile in Quebec, Simon, Katya, and his remaining henchmen celebrate with champagne for their efforts in stealing the gold, and that they will become richer by tomorrow. They were to depart for Nova Scotia the next day. As they continue their celebration, Simon and Katya go upstairs to have sex, but it is interrupted when McClane shines the helicopter's searchlight directly at them. Katya angrily shoots the helicopter and it alerted Simon's men. However, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police back up McClane and capture Simon's men. After McClane's helicopter is taken out in the air, it approaches emergency landing for both him and Zeus. While on the ground, McClane takes out Simon by shooting the electrical circuits, telling him to say hello to his brother, causing a wire to fall apart and hit the rotors of Simon's getaway helicopter, killing him and Katya as it explodes. McClane then calls his wife again at the insistence of Zeus.
  • The Great lakes-St.Lawrence Lowland is a bowl-shaped depression in the Great Lakes area (excluding Superior). It houses what was once the province capitol Montréal and the almost entirely submerged stretch of ruins east of the St. Lawrence River from Saint-Hyacinthe to Baie-Comeau.
  • Quebec (pronounced kay-beck) is the only part of Canada that doesn't deserve pork fat goth chicks in hell. But that doesn't mean they won't go to hell with the rest of their Candian brethren, they'll just get the cosolation of being invited Quebec City is the province's capital. It was one of the first european settlements in North America. So this makes Quebec City Freedom's first capital. Quebec's metropole is Montreal, a city populated by French-Canadians, normal Canadians and other less important races. French-Canadians are known for breeding bears in their forests, eating them alive on the sidewalk and for being very hairy. Quebec is a doubly screwed province of Canada. Its population is French-Canadian, and the reason why French is Canada's second official language. America tried to culturally liberate Quebec in the 1960s by creating Baseball's Montreal Expos. After struggling for over 40 years in the oppressive North, the team finally escaped in 2005 and fled to Washington DC, the heart of democracy, where they became the Washington Nationals. Since the Expos left, hotdogs taste like Dr. Colbert's earwax, which makes them collectors' items. Quebec is also rumored to be the headquarters of an international bear conspiracy designed to pry Maine away from the United States. As well as Vermont.
  • Quebec is a large province in Canada. There are English speakers and also French speakers in Quebec. Quebec reaches from Hudson Bay in the North to the United States in the South. The climate is fairly temperate.
  • Quebecday.png|Quebec at daytime Quebecnight.png|Quebec at night Quebec City is a city in , in . It has a population of 0.72 Million people and it is a . It is the only Canadian province that has a predominantly French-speaking population, and the only one to have French as its sole provincial official language.
  • Quebec (i/kwɨˈbɛk/ or /kɨˈbɛk/; French: Québec [kebɛk] is a province in east-central Canada. It is the only Canadian province that has a predominantly French speaking population and French as the sole official language at the provincial level More information on the Wikipedia page [1]
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