  • Dark
  • DARK
  • Dark
  • Dark
  • Dark
  • Dark
  • Dark
  • Dark
  • Dark
  • An attempt at a "next-step" theme with attributes from absolute-e and shinymetal. Originally built from 'absolute-sawmill' and 'shinyblue', the code in this theme probably no longer resembles its predecessors, or anything sane for that matter. Please feel free to offer comments/suggestions.
  • Dark is the Property of certain Krawl in Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals.
  • Dark is one of the four cosmos elements. It's land counterpart is water. Darkness is the airless void that fills most of the cosmos. Water is the airless void that fills most of a planet. Darkness is used to sap away heat, and even resist time itself.
  • Level Requirement: 35+ (flexible) Leader: Astraia Channel: ??? Play Hours: ??? Total Membership: ???
  • Dark materials are represented by black jewels with slight dark green highlights. They have an Elemental material structure. The material's name clearly references its dark coloration and the "essence of darkness" it contains.
  • Dark (real name Park Ryung Woo) is a professional StarCraft II zerg player from South Korea. He came in 2nd place in the WCS 2016 Global Finals. Dark's portrait is available in-game as part of the WCS 2016 Portrait Pack, and is purchasable within the Collections tab.
  • Dark may refer to: * Dark Empire, a defunct Imperial separatist faction led by Simms and Dreighton. * Infinite Dark, a defunct smuggler faction and forerunner of the Corporate Sector.
  • DARK is an old guild from SWG who now plays on Cimmeria. Our main focus is pvp.
  • Dark is the 3rd episode of S6 of TEOMS, this episode was directed by John de Lancie. Frank Simmons was mentioned in this episode and Dana Scully, Gibson Praise & Walter Skinner both get killed in this episode.
  • Darkness is an element introduced late in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Like Light, it was one of two concepts that helped complete reality in what the four elements (Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter) could not achieve. Not much is really known about this concept. Image:Kyle.gif Spoiler warning: The following section(s) contain plot and/or ending details that some people may not wish to learn before reaching this point in the game on their own. If this applies to you, take caution while reading this section (if you choose to read it at all).
  • Dark is a Monster Trait.
  • Dark is a large, male seal.
  • Dark is an Attribute in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
  • Dark is an episode of Randomness Everywhere.
  • Dark was founded in 1972.
  • Name: Dark Run Time: 5:07 Year: 1991
  • The Dark is a Lance type weapon
  • The Dark is a Lance type weapon
  • This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Dark.
  • What, you want a whole article about it? Fine...
  • Dark is a crimefighter based in Looking Glass, and the sister of Clockwork Knight. She has been twice created by Soberguy.
  • Dark: Archivo:Dark.gif es el primer alto mandoNivel en Golden road no se espezializa en nada, es frio y calculador, su lema es: Derrotar al enemigo de un solo golpe, su hermano (gemelo) le regalo su aparato, su hermano es: Archivo:Sprite_Espinal.png
  • Darkness is another of the eight elements that take place in Therica.
  • The Dark are the manifestations of humanity greatest fears.
  • Dark stalked and killed numerous Xenomorphs and Colonial Marines during his time on BG-386, and was one of few Predators to have successfully defeated a Praetorian in close combat. However, Dark is probably most well known for his relentless hunt of the BG-386 Predalien, which he ultimately killed in the bowels of the Yautja Pyramid on the planet. Dark was the only one of the three Elites sent to BG-386 to escape the planet alive.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Dark]] deorc, from Proto-Germanic *derk, from either Proto-Indo-European *dʰer- (“‘to besmirch’”) or Proto-Indo-European *derg- (“‘red’”); perhaps both, with the latter being derived from the former.
  • no content.
  • Dark stays in the Morgue guarding Nadia's body. He lives under certain rules: "Protect little brother. Keep Nadia safe. Stay locked away, and don't hurt anybody." When Nadia is awakened by Fuuka's attempts to break through the Morgue, he manifests the wings of fire that Kano did when contacting the Eye. Dark has at least once taken over Kano's body on Earth, to defend him against assault by Josh, a homophobic fellow inmate of the psych ward.
  • Dark is a short story set in the Acropolis Alternate Universe. It was written by RaiserOfCain
  • - Dark's roll call Dark was the Pluto Planet Ranger of Power Rangers Planet Savior, and the member of the Planet Rangers.
  • Daruku (ダルク) ist ein Charakter der nur im Anime vorkommt und nicht im Manga deshalb wird sie zu den Filler-Charakteren gezählt. Daruku ist die Doll von Gō Koga und ihr Siegel ist eine Metallkugel, sie liebt es zu kämpfen und versteht sich gut mit Gō.
  • Thank you guys for your comments! Hope you enjoy this one! Note: You know the drill :P.
  • Il dark è essenzialmente solitario, anche perché nessuno lo caga. Il leader mondiale dei dark è Floriana del Grande Fratello che, grazie alla sua finezza e alla sua eleganza, ha reso possibile un'espansione molto vasta di questi animaletti (facilmente addomesticabili).
  • The Dark is a force of nature opposed to the Light.
  • thumb Dark - Elitarny Predator, wcześniej Młoda Krew jeden z głównych, oraz grywalnych bohaterów w Aliens vs Predator 3. Posiadał Ostrza Nadgarstkowe na obydwu ramionach podobnie jak jego dwaj elitarni towarzysze. Przybył na BG-386 aby dowiedzieć się co się stało z nowicjuszami którzy wcześniej zostali tam wysłani i zaginęli. Jednym z jego największych osiągnięć jest pokonanie Predaliena w pojedynkę.thumb
  • The type is one of the eighteen Pokémon elemental types. It is super effective against File:Ghost.pngGhost and File:Psychic.pngPsychic. It is not very effective against File:Bug.pngBug, File:Fairy.pngFairy and File:Fighting.pngFighting. It is weak to File:Fighting.pngFighting , File:Bug.pngBug , File:Fairy.pngFairy.
  • Roasting term meaning dark brown beans with a shiny surface; equivalent to espresso or French roast.
  • Dark is a flag of the Hunter Ocean. It was founded by Dracowolfe on 22 December 2006. In May 2007 Jagfx took over the flag and has started to remake it.
  • Dark is a young, albino boy who makes his only appearance in Ghost Hunter. Whilst born into the Swan Clan he could see ghosts. His clan was scared of him and wanted to throw him out. His mother protected him until she died. His father took him to the mountains, for what Dark thought was to get his clan tattoos but instead his father abandoned him. He wasn't named yet, as the Mountain Clans don't name their children until they're at an age where it's certain they won't die, so he called himself Dark. He later joined the Raven Clan and became their Mage.
  • Dark is a penguin with no features except for white eyes and a completely black body. He is thought to be the creator of the Ninja Emerald, being a Ninja or not. He is Currently wanted for trying to kiddnap 23 because of his Beta hat. Many think he is just a shadow, but, when they see his eyes, they think he's a Ghost.
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • Dark is an element, as well as a line of spells associated with that element. Dark is the element of pure destructive dark energies and the Black Magic element par excellence. Not many characters, or even enemies, use spells associated with this element and the spell selection associated with the element is somewhat neglected in many installments. This element is extra harmful to life, but it is reasonable to say it still brings alot of destructive power to bear against other types of targets, including elemental creatures that have broad resistances towards other elements and physical damage. Being the 'basis' of Black Magic, beings associated with this element commonly have resistances to other elements, but a weakness against Holy.
  • The track is notable as it features four different short sections threaded together, with none of them repeated. The opening section lasts exactly fifty seconds, and features french horn along to a haunting background sound with a thumping drum beat underneath it, and this segues into a short chorus solo. The second section opens with a short piano solo. It is livelier and retains the chorus from the first section, which plays amongst a quick synthesised melody; this lasts just under forty seconds. The third section uses the same french horn from the opening and the same haunting background sound, but this time plays a slower, more woeful melody instead that lasts around thirty seconds. Once this dies down, the final section begins, which includes drums, bells, light piano, flutes and synt
  • Those walking the path of Darkness are slowly moving down a long winding road directly towards the Heartless. While not inherently evil through and through they are purging their own heart into the darkness in exchange for more power. Those following the Dark might range from those sincerely with a dark heart or ill-will to others, villains in the making or self-styled antagonists already. However, there are also those with good intent but still following the road to the Dark. Something such as an Anti-Hero or sorts slowly losing their heart to the darkness but in exchange for the power they need to protect or save another. The most important thing to remember is that player characters following the Dark Alignment differ from the villains that work with the Heartless. The Characters aren't
  • The Dark is a force of the universe, operating in direct opposition to the Light. The task of the Dark is to rise and create a world in which joy, love and laughter can not exist. It is difficult to say, from the book, how much the Dark is sentient, able to think and act and desire for itself, and how much it is simply an idea or an influence that causes its allies to do what they think they should do. Through the eons-long struggle, both sides gain and lose ground at various times, but neither can be completely defeated until the last great conflict, which occurs at the end of the fifth book, Silver on the Tree.
  • [[Fichier:Dark Vador.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Dark Vador]]Le terme de Dark est la transposition en français de l'anglais Darth, issue du doublage français de l'épisode IV. Le seul personnage à le porter dans la trilogie originale était Dark Vador, puisque Dark Sidious était simplement appelé "l'Empereur". Il est difficile d'établir précisément l'origine de cette expression : les fans de la saga l'interprètent comme une contraction de dark death, « mort sombre » ou de « Dark lord of the Sith », sans qu'aucune source officielle ne vienne étayer cette idée.
  • DARK (闇(やみ) Yami "Darkness"), monsters are perhaps the most favored of all monsters. Many well-known monsters are of the DARK attribute, such as "Dark Armed Dragon", "Jinzo" and most of the "Red-Eyes" series. Fiends and Zombies are usually of the DARK Attribute, and so are many Spellcasters such as "Reaper of Prophecy", "Dark Magician", and "Endymion, the Master Magician". Although LIGHT is the polar opposite of DARK, neither side has a true advantage over the other in general, although there are cards such as "Luminous Soldier", "Penumbral Soldier Lady", "Hoshiningen" and "Witch's Apprentice" which lower the stats of the opposing Attribute. The "Ally of Justice" archetype focuses heavily on DARK monsters that power up by destroying LIGHT monsters. DARK monsters have their own Structure De
  • It's dark! I can not see!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am I blind? Where is the light?!! Why is it so dark?!?!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's that sound? Who's there? Is someone there? Why can I not see!?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
image name
  • DARK.svg
  • 6
  • Power Rangers Planet Savior
  • 351.0
  • None
  • None
  • 322
  • Redded
Row 8 info
  • Day Shift fics
Row 4 info
  • Madelyn Dark
  • やみ
Row 7 title
  • Awards
  • Christopher Judge
  • Dark
Row 1 info
  • Soberguy
Row 8 title
  • Appearances
support list
  • List of DARK support cards
  • 6
  • Hunter
Row 4 title
  • Notable aliases
  • 55000
japanese translated
  • Darkness
Row 2 info
  • Madelyn Riis
Row 6 info
  • None
  • Space and Planet
Row 1 title
  • Creator
  • The Pluto Ranger
Row 5 info
  • Original: Darkness Manipulation; S7: Spatial Warping
anti-support list
  • List of DARK anti-support cards
  • black
Row 2 title
  • Alter Ego
Row 6 title
  • Equipment
Row 5 title
  • Abilities
  • This track unlocks in the south-east of the Wilderness.
  • No
Row 3 info
  • Member of Day Shift and S7
  • 6
Row 3 title
  • Team affiliations
  • 2007
  • Pirates Of The Rebellion
  • 10000293
  • 9
Row 7 info
  • None
  • 52
  • 310
  • 0.0
Box Title
  • DARK
  • Professional StarCraft II Player
  • John de Lancie, TheInfection5, Richard Dean Anderson, Nicholas Lea, Chris Carter
  • 2016
  • 2013-07-31
  • Unknown
  • Pluto Planet Ranger
  • John de Lancie
  • O--
  • O--
  • Alive
  • Wanted
  • 47
  • Black
  • TBA
  • Dark
  • Destroyed Freya's Prospect
  • Killed a Praetorian
  • Killed the Abomination
  • Yami
  • Dark the Penguin
  • List of DARK monsters
  • DARK
extra punctuation
  • PvP
  • Guild
  • Strings, bells, french horn, choir, brass piano, timpani, harp, bell
  • No
  • white
  • None
  • Dark to Ujurak
  • TheInfection5
Image caption
  • Dark Icon
  • RS2 Music player and fixes
  • 4.0
  • Dark
  • The Dark
  • 172.0
  • mroczny
  • Christopher Judge
  • blue
  • Dark.ogg
  • Final evolution of a Dark Lance. Injects victims with powerful insect neurotoxins.
  • Final evolution of a Dark Lance. Injects victims with powerful insect neurotoxins.
  • Black
  • orange
  • Paralysis, 230
  • Paralysis, 230
  • Unknown
  • Earth
  • 3
  • 2004-03-15
  • Dark
Image File
  • dark.jpg
  • Male
  • Unknown
  • Human
  • Penguin
  • 闇 Àn / Am3
  • 어둠 Eodum
  • Ian Taylor
  • Ian Taylor, Adam Bond
  • ظلام
  • "Thank you, Dapple. Orcas came to the cove, many sunrises ago, and attacked us. A lot of seals died. We tried to fight, but there were too many orcas. And they came back, time after time, until few of us were left."
  • Dark
  • Dark
  • Christopher Judge
  • DARK
  • Spirits in the Stars, page 168
wikipage disambiguates
  • Dark
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Gendrome Tail
  • Gendrome Tail
  • Hornetaur Carapace ,
  • Hornetaur Carapace ,
  • Hornetaur InnerWing ,
  • Hornetaur InnerWing ,
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Image:Mred.JPGImage:Sora.JPGImage:Myel.JPGImage:Mgre.JPGImage:Sblu.JPGImage:Swhi.JPG
  • Image:Mred.JPGImage:Sora.JPGImage:Myel.JPGImage:Mgre.JPGImage:Sblu.JPGImage:Swhi.JPG
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
  • An attempt at a "next-step" theme with attributes from absolute-e and shinymetal. Originally built from 'absolute-sawmill' and 'shinyblue', the code in this theme probably no longer resembles its predecessors, or anything sane for that matter. Please feel free to offer comments/suggestions.
  • Dark is the Property of certain Krawl in Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals.
  • Those walking the path of Darkness are slowly moving down a long winding road directly towards the Heartless. While not inherently evil through and through they are purging their own heart into the darkness in exchange for more power. Those following the Dark might range from those sincerely with a dark heart or ill-will to others, villains in the making or self-styled antagonists already. However, there are also those with good intent but still following the road to the Dark. Something such as an Anti-Hero or sorts slowly losing their heart to the darkness but in exchange for the power they need to protect or save another. The most important thing to remember is that player characters following the Dark Alignment differ from the villains that work with the Heartless. The Characters aren't fully lost into the darkness, they've not accepted the Heartless 100% and embraced all their powers; they still have a choice.
  • Dark is one of the four cosmos elements. It's land counterpart is water. Darkness is the airless void that fills most of the cosmos. Water is the airless void that fills most of a planet. Darkness is used to sap away heat, and even resist time itself.
  • Level Requirement: 35+ (flexible) Leader: Astraia Channel: ??? Play Hours: ??? Total Membership: ???
  • Dark materials are represented by black jewels with slight dark green highlights. They have an Elemental material structure. The material's name clearly references its dark coloration and the "essence of darkness" it contains.
  • Dark (real name Park Ryung Woo) is a professional StarCraft II zerg player from South Korea. He came in 2nd place in the WCS 2016 Global Finals. Dark's portrait is available in-game as part of the WCS 2016 Portrait Pack, and is purchasable within the Collections tab.
  • Dark may refer to: * Dark Empire, a defunct Imperial separatist faction led by Simms and Dreighton. * Infinite Dark, a defunct smuggler faction and forerunner of the Corporate Sector.
  • DARK is an old guild from SWG who now plays on Cimmeria. Our main focus is pvp.
  • Dark is the 3rd episode of S6 of TEOMS, this episode was directed by John de Lancie. Frank Simmons was mentioned in this episode and Dana Scully, Gibson Praise & Walter Skinner both get killed in this episode.
  • Darkness is an element introduced late in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Like Light, it was one of two concepts that helped complete reality in what the four elements (Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter) could not achieve. Not much is really known about this concept. Image:Kyle.gif Spoiler warning: The following section(s) contain plot and/or ending details that some people may not wish to learn before reaching this point in the game on their own. If this applies to you, take caution while reading this section (if you choose to read it at all).
  • It's dark! I can not see!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am I blind? Where is the light?!! Why is it so dark?!?!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's that sound? Who's there? Is someone there? Why can I not see!?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's the sound again! Help me! AAAGH!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Dark is a Monster Trait.
  • Dark is a large, male seal.
  • Dark is an Attribute in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
  • Dark is an episode of Randomness Everywhere.
  • Dark was founded in 1972.
  • Name: Dark Run Time: 5:07 Year: 1991
  • The Dark is a Lance type weapon
  • The Dark is a Lance type weapon
  • This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Dark.
  • What, you want a whole article about it? Fine...
  • Dark is a crimefighter based in Looking Glass, and the sister of Clockwork Knight. She has been twice created by Soberguy.
  • Dark: Archivo:Dark.gif es el primer alto mandoNivel en Golden road no se espezializa en nada, es frio y calculador, su lema es: Derrotar al enemigo de un solo golpe, su hermano (gemelo) le regalo su aparato, su hermano es: Archivo:Sprite_Espinal.png
  • Darkness is another of the eight elements that take place in Therica.
  • The Dark are the manifestations of humanity greatest fears.
  • The Dark is a force of the universe, operating in direct opposition to the Light. The task of the Dark is to rise and create a world in which joy, love and laughter can not exist. It is difficult to say, from the book, how much the Dark is sentient, able to think and act and desire for itself, and how much it is simply an idea or an influence that causes its allies to do what they think they should do. Through the eons-long struggle, both sides gain and lose ground at various times, but neither can be completely defeated until the last great conflict, which occurs at the end of the fifth book, Silver on the Tree. The Dark is hard and ruthless, showing no mercy even to its own, and often after defeating an ally of the Dark, the Light simply lets them go, knowing the Dark will punish them for their failure. It is important to note that the Light and the Dark are not the only forces at work in the universe; there is also Wild Magic, the magic of the natural world, and High Magic, which governs the universe. All four forces are governed by rigid laws and exist seperately from each other, although certain of their laws and customs involve more than one kind (for instance, the challenge in the fifth book, in which the Dark and the Light both argue sides of a case; once a decision is made, it is ratified by the High Magic). There are also places, such as the Lost Land, in which neither Dark nor Light has power. There is a final element at work on Earth, and that is men. Men are inherently neither of the Light nor the Dark, although they can have good or evil in their hearts; the Dark and Light can use these inclinations to their advantage. The Dark is described metaphorically as a great bottomless pit. It manifests itself in fear, doubt, and anger.
  • Dark stalked and killed numerous Xenomorphs and Colonial Marines during his time on BG-386, and was one of few Predators to have successfully defeated a Praetorian in close combat. However, Dark is probably most well known for his relentless hunt of the BG-386 Predalien, which he ultimately killed in the bowels of the Yautja Pyramid on the planet. Dark was the only one of the three Elites sent to BG-386 to escape the planet alive.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Dark]] deorc, from Proto-Germanic *derk, from either Proto-Indo-European *dʰer- (“‘to besmirch’”) or Proto-Indo-European *derg- (“‘red’”); perhaps both, with the latter being derived from the former.
  • no content.
  • Dark stays in the Morgue guarding Nadia's body. He lives under certain rules: "Protect little brother. Keep Nadia safe. Stay locked away, and don't hurt anybody." When Nadia is awakened by Fuuka's attempts to break through the Morgue, he manifests the wings of fire that Kano did when contacting the Eye. Dark has at least once taken over Kano's body on Earth, to defend him against assault by Josh, a homophobic fellow inmate of the psych ward.
  • Dark is a short story set in the Acropolis Alternate Universe. It was written by RaiserOfCain
  • - Dark's roll call Dark was the Pluto Planet Ranger of Power Rangers Planet Savior, and the member of the Planet Rangers.
  • [[Fichier:Dark Vador.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Dark Vador]]Le terme de Dark est la transposition en français de l'anglais Darth, issue du doublage français de l'épisode IV. Le seul personnage à le porter dans la trilogie originale était Dark Vador, puisque Dark Sidious était simplement appelé "l'Empereur". C'est un titre porté exclusivement par les membres de l'Ordre Sith, mais les conditions pour l'obtenir ont varié suivant les époques. Du temps du Second Empire Sith, il n'était décerné qu'aux Sith les plus talentueux, correspondant à un rang comparable à celui de Maître chez les Jedi, tandis que tout le monde le portait durant les Nouvelles Guerres Sith et après la réforme de Dark Bane. Il est difficile d'établir précisément l'origine de cette expression : les fans de la saga l'interprètent comme une contraction de dark death, « mort sombre » ou de « Dark lord of the Sith », sans qu'aucune source officielle ne vienne étayer cette idée. Une autre théorie dit qu'il s'agit un mot du rakata ancien, Darika, qui signifie Empereur ; au fil du temps, le mot évolua en Darik puis Dark par contraction. Selon le jeu vidéo Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, le titre fut pris pour la première fois par le Sith Revan, vers 3680 av.BY, alors qu'il se trouvait chez les Rakatas, à la recherche de leur antique Forge Stellaire. Etant donné qu'il fut longtemps considéré comme le premier « Seigneur Noir des Sith », cela justifiait l'interprétation des fans mais on sait qu'il a été précédé par de nombreux autres Seigneurs Noirs auparavant. Cependant, il est possible que ce soit lui qui ait initié cet usage du titre chez les Sith, qui l'auraient repris dans l'Empire comme moyen plus noble de distinguer les maîtres expérimentés des nouvelles recrues.
  • The track is notable as it features four different short sections threaded together, with none of them repeated. The opening section lasts exactly fifty seconds, and features french horn along to a haunting background sound with a thumping drum beat underneath it, and this segues into a short chorus solo. The second section opens with a short piano solo. It is livelier and retains the chorus from the first section, which plays amongst a quick synthesised melody; this lasts just under forty seconds. The third section uses the same french horn from the opening and the same haunting background sound, but this time plays a slower, more woeful melody instead that lasts around thirty seconds. Once this dies down, the final section begins, which includes drums, bells, light piano, flutes and synthesised strings working together to create a moderately-paced, mysterious melody that lasts just over fifty seconds in total. Just as the section closes and track fades to nothing, the chime of a bell marks the finish.
  • Daruku (ダルク) ist ein Charakter der nur im Anime vorkommt und nicht im Manga deshalb wird sie zu den Filler-Charakteren gezählt. Daruku ist die Doll von Gō Koga und ihr Siegel ist eine Metallkugel, sie liebt es zu kämpfen und versteht sich gut mit Gō.
  • Thank you guys for your comments! Hope you enjoy this one! Note: You know the drill :P.
  • Il dark è essenzialmente solitario, anche perché nessuno lo caga. Il leader mondiale dei dark è Floriana del Grande Fratello che, grazie alla sua finezza e alla sua eleganza, ha reso possibile un'espansione molto vasta di questi animaletti (facilmente addomesticabili).
  • Dark is an element, as well as a line of spells associated with that element. Dark is the element of pure destructive dark energies and the Black Magic element par excellence. Not many characters, or even enemies, use spells associated with this element and the spell selection associated with the element is somewhat neglected in many installments. This element is extra harmful to life, but it is reasonable to say it still brings alot of destructive power to bear against other types of targets, including elemental creatures that have broad resistances towards other elements and physical damage. Being the 'basis' of Black Magic, beings associated with this element commonly have resistances to other elements, but a weakness against Holy. * Dark * Dark Bolt * Dark Wave * Dark Smash * Dark Flash * Dark Ghosts * Devil's Touch * Shade * Darkness
  • The Dark is a force of nature opposed to the Light.
  • thumb Dark - Elitarny Predator, wcześniej Młoda Krew jeden z głównych, oraz grywalnych bohaterów w Aliens vs Predator 3. Posiadał Ostrza Nadgarstkowe na obydwu ramionach podobnie jak jego dwaj elitarni towarzysze. Przybył na BG-386 aby dowiedzieć się co się stało z nowicjuszami którzy wcześniej zostali tam wysłani i zaginęli. Jednym z jego największych osiągnięć jest pokonanie Predaliena w pojedynkę.thumb
  • The type is one of the eighteen Pokémon elemental types. It is super effective against File:Ghost.pngGhost and File:Psychic.pngPsychic. It is not very effective against File:Bug.pngBug, File:Fairy.pngFairy and File:Fighting.pngFighting. It is weak to File:Fighting.pngFighting , File:Bug.pngBug , File:Fairy.pngFairy.
  • DARK (闇(やみ) Yami "Darkness"), monsters are perhaps the most favored of all monsters. Many well-known monsters are of the DARK attribute, such as "Dark Armed Dragon", "Jinzo" and most of the "Red-Eyes" series. Fiends and Zombies are usually of the DARK Attribute, and so are many Spellcasters such as "Reaper of Prophecy", "Dark Magician", and "Endymion, the Master Magician". Although LIGHT is the polar opposite of DARK, neither side has a true advantage over the other in general, although there are cards such as "Luminous Soldier", "Penumbral Soldier Lady", "Hoshiningen" and "Witch's Apprentice" which lower the stats of the opposing Attribute. The "Ally of Justice" archetype focuses heavily on DARK monsters that power up by destroying LIGHT monsters. DARK monsters have their own Structure Deck in the OCG, Structure Deck: Curse of Darkness. "Consecrated Light" also plays against the DARK Attribute by preventing them from being summoned or attacking at all while it is face up, as well as being unable to be destroyed by battle by any DARK monster. Being one of the most versatile and common Attributes, DARK monsters and the cards akin to them can work with many different Deck Types, and rarely does a typical deck lack at least one. Because they are so widespread, DARK monsters have themes comparable to many other Attributes (for example, there are enough burn-damage DARK monsters to rival FIRE monsters). However, the one thing that DARK monsters specialize in more than any other Attribute are card effects relating to the Graveyard, often by using it as a resource in some way (though the predominately-DARK "Gravekeeper's" Archetype notably prevents the use of the Graveyard as a resource). Most other DARK monsters like "Blackwing" monsters have swarming abilities that allow you to summon monsters to your field to overwhelm your opponent by numbers in battle. In terms of lore, a large number of "evil" and demonic monsters are DARK, but the attribute itself is not strictly associated with evil. For instance, every protagonist in the anime uses at least some DARK monsters, with all but one of them having a DARK monster which is a key part of their Deck ("Dark Magician", "Dark Magician Girl", and "Kuriboh" for Yugi, "Junk Warrior" for Yusei, "Gagaga Magician" and "Gagaga Girl" for Yuma, "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" for Yuya, and "Decode Talker" for Yusaku). Along with demons, wicked gods, and evil individuals, DARK is usually associated with things which are mysterious or hidden, black magic, death, ghosts and spirits, the moon, and, of course, with literal darkness. Archetypes which are anti-heroes, or are used by anti-heroic characters, are often DARK ("Destiny HERO", "Raidraptor", "Phantom Knights"). Lastly, some monsters are DARK for little reason beyond the fact they are colored black ("Blackwing") or purple ("Junk Warrior"). DARK-based archetypes include: "Archfiend", "Ally of Justice", "Blackwing", "Burning Abyss", "Dark Magician", "Dark Scorpion", "Destiny HERO", "Dark World", "Gagaga", "Ghostrick", "Gravekeeper's", "Infernity", "Inzektor", "lswarm", "Lunalight", "Predaplant", "Raidraptor", "Reptilianne", "Shaddoll", "The Phantom Knights", "Umbral Horror" and "Vampire".
  • Roasting term meaning dark brown beans with a shiny surface; equivalent to espresso or French roast.
  • Dark is a flag of the Hunter Ocean. It was founded by Dracowolfe on 22 December 2006. In May 2007 Jagfx took over the flag and has started to remake it.
  • Dark is a young, albino boy who makes his only appearance in Ghost Hunter. Whilst born into the Swan Clan he could see ghosts. His clan was scared of him and wanted to throw him out. His mother protected him until she died. His father took him to the mountains, for what Dark thought was to get his clan tattoos but instead his father abandoned him. He wasn't named yet, as the Mountain Clans don't name their children until they're at an age where it's certain they won't die, so he called himself Dark. He later joined the Raven Clan and became their Mage.
  • Dark is a penguin with no features except for white eyes and a completely black body. He is thought to be the creator of the Ninja Emerald, being a Ninja or not. He is Currently wanted for trying to kiddnap 23 because of his Beta hat. Many think he is just a shadow, but, when they see his eyes, they think he's a Ghost.
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