  • Arvada III
  • Arvada III
  • Arvada III
  • Arvada III
  • Arvada III
  • Arvada III was a Class M planet. By the early 24th century, it was a Federation colony. The original colonists arrived in Brisbane-class vessels. In the 2330s, Arvada was the site of a terrible disaster that claimed the lives of many colonists. Felisa Howard and her granddaughter, Beverly were among the survivors, and the elder Howard's knowledge of folk medicine saved many lives. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom", Starship Recognition Files 2)
  • In de 2330s was er een grote ramp op Arvada III, waarbij een jonge Beverly Howard en haar grootmoeder, Felisa, de gewonden hielpen. Er was niet veel medicatie aanwezig en Felisa ontdekte hoe ze kruiden kon gebruiken als geneesmiddel. Ze gaf haar kennis door aan Beverly, wat later de basis bleek voor haar carrière in de geneeskunde. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom")
  • Arvada III era il terzo pianeta del sistema Arvada. Ospitava una Colonia della Federazione. Nel 2330, Arvada III è stato il luogo di una terribile catastrofe. La giovane Beverly Howard e sua nonna Felisa, erano presenti e riuscirono a sopravvivere. Quando le medicine terminarono, Felisa imparò ad usare erbe e radici come fossero farmaci, nonostante non fosse un medico. Passò questa conoscenza a Beverly, inspirando in lei la carriera medica. (TNG: "L'arsenale della libertà")
  • Arvada III ist ein Planet. Auf Arvada III befindet sich eine Kolonie der Föderation. In den 2330ern geschieht auf Arvada III eine große Katastrophe, während die junge Beverly Crusher und ihre Großmutter Felisa Howard anwesend sind um die Überlebenden zu versorgen. (TNG: )
  • Planeta colonizado por la Federación Unida de Planetas; Beverly Crusher y su abuela fueron pioneras en la colonización de este mundo, donde más tarde una tragedia diezmó a sus habitantes; en medio del desorden, la abuela de la Doctora tuvo que improvisar cuidados médicos con las raíces y hierbas del lugar, conocimiento que luego transfirió a su nieta.
  • Arvada III was the third planet in its star system. This was the home of a Federation colony. In the 2330s, Arvada III was the site of a major disaster and the young Beverly Howard and her grandmother, Felisa, were present to help survivors. Traditional medical supplies quickly ran low, and Felisa learned how to use herbs and roots as medication despite the fact she was not a physician. She passed this knowledge down to Beverly, inspiring her to a career in medicine. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom" )
  • Arvada III was the location of a Federation colony. Beverly Crusher spent a significant portion of her childhood there. In 2339, Beverly encountered a crashed vessel containing diseased refugees from Kevratas, a Romulan subject world. This may have inspired Beverly to pursue a medical career. (TNG novel: Death in Winter) In the late 26th century, Arvada III was still a Federation planet, and was considered as a place to temporarily house Kelvan refugees from the Andromeda Galaxy. (TOS - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "Gone Native")
  • Arvada III
  • Arvada III was the location of a Federation colony. Beverly Crusher spent a significant portion of her childhood there. In 2339, Beverly encountered a crashed vessel containing diseased refugees from Kevratas, a Romulan subject world. This may have inspired Beverly to pursue a medical career. (TNG novel: Death in Winter) In his career, Starfleet Intelligence agent Lieutenant Elias Vaughn bore witness to a genocidal holocaust on Arvada III. T'Prynn was also involved in Vaughn's mission to Arvada III. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One, TNG novel: The Battle of Betazed, ST - The Lost Era novel: The Art of the Impossible) The event witnessed by Vaughn as described in Avatar may well be an alternate take on the Arvada III tragedy to that described in Death in Winter. Alternatively it could be another completely unrelated tragic event on the world. The novel The Art of the Impossible mentions that Vaughn's experience at Arvada III was in 2346. In the late 26th century, Arvada III was still a Federation planet, and was considered as a place to temporarily house Kelvan refugees from the Andromeda Galaxy. (TOS - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "Gone Native")
  • Arvada III was a Class M planet. By the early 24th century, it was a Federation colony. The original colonists arrived in Brisbane-class vessels. In the 2330s, Arvada was the site of a terrible disaster that claimed the lives of many colonists. Felisa Howard and her granddaughter, Beverly were among the survivors, and the elder Howard's knowledge of folk medicine saved many lives. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom", Starship Recognition Files 2)
  • In de 2330s was er een grote ramp op Arvada III, waarbij een jonge Beverly Howard en haar grootmoeder, Felisa, de gewonden hielpen. Er was niet veel medicatie aanwezig en Felisa ontdekte hoe ze kruiden kon gebruiken als geneesmiddel. Ze gaf haar kennis door aan Beverly, wat later de basis bleek voor haar carrière in de geneeskunde. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom")
  • Arvada III era il terzo pianeta del sistema Arvada. Ospitava una Colonia della Federazione. Nel 2330, Arvada III è stato il luogo di una terribile catastrofe. La giovane Beverly Howard e sua nonna Felisa, erano presenti e riuscirono a sopravvivere. Quando le medicine terminarono, Felisa imparò ad usare erbe e radici come fossero farmaci, nonostante non fosse un medico. Passò questa conoscenza a Beverly, inspirando in lei la carriera medica. (TNG: "L'arsenale della libertà")
  • Arvada III was the third planet in its star system. This was the home of a Federation colony. In the 2330s, Arvada III was the site of a major disaster and the young Beverly Howard and her grandmother, Felisa, were present to help survivors. Traditional medical supplies quickly ran low, and Felisa learned how to use herbs and roots as medication despite the fact she was not a physician. She passed this knowledge down to Beverly, inspiring her to a career in medicine. (TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom" ) This planet was only mentioned in dialogue. According to the Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets I"), in 2378, Arvada III was listed as a Federation member.
  • Arvada III ist ein Planet. Auf Arvada III befindet sich eine Kolonie der Föderation. In den 2330ern geschieht auf Arvada III eine große Katastrophe, während die junge Beverly Crusher und ihre Großmutter Felisa Howard anwesend sind um die Überlebenden zu versorgen. (TNG: )
  • Planeta colonizado por la Federación Unida de Planetas; Beverly Crusher y su abuela fueron pioneras en la colonización de este mundo, donde más tarde una tragedia diezmó a sus habitantes; en medio del desorden, la abuela de la Doctora tuvo que improvisar cuidados médicos con las raíces y hierbas del lugar, conocimiento que luego transfirió a su nieta.
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