  • Bajoran
  • Bajoran
  • Bajoran
  • Bajoran
  • Bajoran
  • The Bajorans were a species native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant.
  • The Bajorans (or Bajora) were a humanoid species native to Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. They were one of the oldest known species in the Quadrant with a varied culture and ancient religion. Recently they have been occupied by the Cardassian Union and were central to the Dominion War.
  • The Bajoran race is native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. They are a humanoid species distinguished primarily by several horizontal creases on the bridge of the nose.
  • Era un planeta ubicado Cuadrante Alfa en el año 2099 fue Devorado poor el Agujero Negro Categoría:Planetas y Lunas
  • Les Bajorans étaient une espèce humanoïde native de la planète Bajor dans le Quadrant Alpha. Les Bajorans possédaient l'une des plus anciennes et des plus riches cultures du quadrant, bien qu'ils eurent, au cours de leur histoire récente, particulièrement souffert sous le joug de l'Union Cardassienne. Avec la fin de l'occupation des Cardassiens et la découverte du trou de ver bajoran, les Bajorans devinrent l'une des civilisations majeures du Quadrant Alpha.
  • The Bajorans (also known as the "Bajora" [1]) were a humanoid species native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. The Bajorans had one of the oldest and richest cultures in the quadrant, though in the 24th century, they suffered greatly at the hands of the Cardassian Union. With their liberation from the Cardassians and the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369, the Bajorans were thrust onto the interstellar stage.
  • Image:BajoranEmblem.jpgEmblem of the Republic of Bajor Bajorans are a deeply spiritual people from the planet Bajor, also sometimes referred to as the Bajora. (DS9 episode & novelization: Emissary; TNG episode: "Ensign Ro")
  • Bajorans lijken qua uiterlijk op de Mens, maar ze staan op zichzelf door een serie van vier tot zeven inkepingen in de neus. Het Bajoran hart is aan een horizontale as gespiegeld, terwijl die van de Mens aan een verticale as gespiegeld is. Een steek in het onderste deel van het hart zorgt voor een onmiddellijk dood. Bajoran vrouwen zijn slechts vijf maanden zwanger. Ze creëren een hecht netwerk van bloedvaten tussen moeder en kind. Gedurende de zwangerschap hebben Bajoran vrouwen vaak last van oncontroleerbare niesbuien. (TNG: "Descent, Deel I"; DS9: "Body Parts" • "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places")
  • Bajorans are humanoid in form and function with the exception of a ridged nose. Slight deviations from Terran human physiology can be discerned through different reactions to body change. During pregnancy Bajoran females do not nauseate instead they react by sneezing. Bajoran fetuses are also irremovable due to the high degree of vascularization in the placental/uterine interface. Society and Religion Bajoran culture flourished for 500,000 years. In time, the Bajorans became a race of master artisans, architects, and scholars whose lives are centered on their faith. Their deeply religious culture honors the 'Prophets' who guide the Bajorans. They believe in guidance from the prophecies revealed to ancient religious men much in the same way as the Greeks believed in Delphi Oracles. Within t
  • Bajorani jsou humanoidé velmi podobní pozemšťanům. Jediným na první pohled patrným rozdílem je vroubkovaný nos. Dalším znakem tentokrát nebiologickým znakem je přítomnost velké náušnice na pravém uchu. Bajoranská fyziologie je natolik kompatibilní s fyziologii pozemšťanů, že je možné, aby bylo nenarozené dítě přeneseno do dělohy Bajoranky a po několika měsících se dítě zdárně narodilo. Bajorané jsou velice starý národ, který má už velice dlouhé zkušenosti s cestováním ve vesmíru. Jejich prastaré lodě připomínaly plachetnice a Bajorané se s jejich pomocí dokázali dostat až na Cardasii Prima.
Species Name
  • Bajoran
  • Leeta, a Bajoran female
  • Vedek Bareil Antos, a Bajoran male
  • Rusty
  • Logo Bajorans.svg
  • , a Bajoran male
  • Colonel Kira Nerys, a Bajoran female
  • First Minister Shakaar Edon, a Bajoran male
  • Bajoran Militia Field Colonel Kira Nerys, a Bajoran female
Warp capable
  • 2328
Distinctive Features
  • Ridges on nose
  • -3.9447E9
  • Somewhere over 100
  • Spiritual
  • Creative
  • +10% Heals Received
  • +10% Regeneration
  • +5% Damage and Healing with Kits
  • Bareil Antos, 2371.jpg
  • KiraNerys2375.jpg
  • Shakaar Edon in 2373.JPG
  • Shakaar Edon, 2373.jpg
  • 100
  • Fair or dark skin
  • Male and Female
  • None displayed
  • Bajorani jsou humanoidé velmi podobní pozemšťanům. Jediným na první pohled patrným rozdílem je vroubkovaný nos. Dalším znakem tentokrát nebiologickým znakem je přítomnost velké náušnice na pravém uchu. Bajoranská fyziologie je natolik kompatibilní s fyziologii pozemšťanů, že je možné, aby bylo nenarozené dítě přeneseno do dělohy Bajoranky a po několika měsících se dítě zdárně narodilo. Bajorané jsou velice starý národ, který má už velice dlouhé zkušenosti s cestováním ve vesmíru. Jejich prastaré lodě připomínaly plachetnice a Bajorané se s jejich pomocí dokázali dostat až na Cardasii Prima. Bajorané byly dlouhou dobu okupováni Cardasiany (Cardasiiskou unií) poté se do konfliktu přidala Spojená Federace Planet která osvobodila Bajor i její obyvatele později se Bajor stal dobrovolně planetou Spojené Federace Planet bohužel se Bajor dlouhou zpamatovával po Cardasíiské okupaci při ,které téměř Cardasiani zničili dříve velkolepou vegetaci Bajoru. zdroj: thumb|135px Tento článek je pahýl. Můžete Memory Alpha pomoct tím, že ho rozšíříte.
  • The Bajorans were a species native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant.
  • Bajorans are humanoid in form and function with the exception of a ridged nose. Slight deviations from Terran human physiology can be discerned through different reactions to body change. During pregnancy Bajoran females do not nauseate instead they react by sneezing. Bajoran fetuses are also irremovable due to the high degree of vascularization in the placental/uterine interface. Society and Religion Bajoran culture flourished for 500,000 years. In time, the Bajorans became a race of master artisans, architects, and scholars whose lives are centered on their faith. Their deeply religious culture honors the 'Prophets' who guide the Bajorans. They believe in guidance from the prophecies revealed to ancient religious men much in the same way as the Greeks believed in Delphi Oracles. Within the religious texts of Bajoran faith, safe passage through the Bajoran wormhole is seen as the blessing of the Prophets who reside within in the Celestial Temple. Prophets The Prophets are the central figures of the Bajoran faith, transcendent entities who exist in a non-linear time frame. Bajoran faith believes the Prophets to be the embodiment of truth, who reveals their wisdom through visions given by the Orbs. The Prophets are also the ones who replenish the life force of Bajorans, the 'Pagh' that allows existence. Orbs; Approximately 10,000 years ago. The first Orb, with eight others to follow, appeared in the skies of Bajor. Taken as a gift from the Prophets to endow their followers with wisdom and insight, the Orbs were traditionally housed in sacred shrines at temples and monasteries around Bajor. Each Orb has a different function. After the Occupation, only one from the original nine Orbs remained. Through the years, three have been recovered and are currently in the hands of the Bajoran people. The four Orbs are: The Ninth Orb: Green energy form. It places the user into a vivid distant memory. The Third Orb: Blue energy form. It is also known as the Orb of Prophesy and Change. It presents the user with a surrealist projection of the future, open to interpretation but usually correct in some way. The Orb of Wisdom: Pink energy form. Grand Nagus Zek was responsible for the restoration of this Orb to Bajorans in 2371. It forces overseen knowledge into the user's attention. The Orb of Time: Purple energy form. It can transfer users back or forwards in time
  • The Bajorans (or Bajora) were a humanoid species native to Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. They were one of the oldest known species in the Quadrant with a varied culture and ancient religion. Recently they have been occupied by the Cardassian Union and were central to the Dominion War.
  • The Bajoran race is native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. They are a humanoid species distinguished primarily by several horizontal creases on the bridge of the nose.
  • Era un planeta ubicado Cuadrante Alfa en el año 2099 fue Devorado poor el Agujero Negro Categoría:Planetas y Lunas
  • Les Bajorans étaient une espèce humanoïde native de la planète Bajor dans le Quadrant Alpha. Les Bajorans possédaient l'une des plus anciennes et des plus riches cultures du quadrant, bien qu'ils eurent, au cours de leur histoire récente, particulièrement souffert sous le joug de l'Union Cardassienne. Avec la fin de l'occupation des Cardassiens et la découverte du trou de ver bajoran, les Bajorans devinrent l'une des civilisations majeures du Quadrant Alpha.
  • The Bajorans (also known as the "Bajora" [1]) were a humanoid species native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant. The Bajorans had one of the oldest and richest cultures in the quadrant, though in the 24th century, they suffered greatly at the hands of the Cardassian Union. With their liberation from the Cardassians and the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369, the Bajorans were thrust onto the interstellar stage.
  • Image:BajoranEmblem.jpgEmblem of the Republic of Bajor Bajorans are a deeply spiritual people from the planet Bajor, also sometimes referred to as the Bajora. (DS9 episode & novelization: Emissary; TNG episode: "Ensign Ro")
  • Bajorans lijken qua uiterlijk op de Mens, maar ze staan op zichzelf door een serie van vier tot zeven inkepingen in de neus. Het Bajoran hart is aan een horizontale as gespiegeld, terwijl die van de Mens aan een verticale as gespiegeld is. Een steek in het onderste deel van het hart zorgt voor een onmiddellijk dood. Bajoran vrouwen zijn slechts vijf maanden zwanger. Ze creëren een hecht netwerk van bloedvaten tussen moeder en kind. Gedurende de zwangerschap hebben Bajoran vrouwen vaak last van oncontroleerbare niesbuien. (TNG: "Descent, Deel I"; DS9: "Body Parts" • "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places")
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