  • Phaser
  • Phaser
  • Phaser
  • Phaser
  • ALRIGHTY...Let's have a phaser picture here? I'll see if i can dig one out ...Nope. Do not fear, I shall instead settle for a picture of Chuck Norris. ...You happy?
  • The pulse phaser cannon, unlike a conventional phaser array, fired bolts of energy rather then a beam discharge. This points to a considerably different design. They were more powerful than a normal phaser, due to the destructive energy being delivered onto the target all at once, instead of a steady beam like a conventional phaser, yet seem to have shorter range than traditional, ship mounted phaser arrays. The weapon was substantially more effective than conventional phaser arrays at piercing shielded objects, and was originally designed to defend against a Borg attack. One of the first Starfleet ships to use such weapons was the Defiant-Class. These arrays seem to be mounted in pairs on the port and starboard sides of the ship, and are fired in unison.
  • Second-in-command of the Astro Squad, Phaser's combiner partner is the over-enthusiastic Blast Master. The need to double-check and triple-check his partner's moves is why he's perfect for his position. French name (Canada): Faisceau
  • Die Phaser sind eine große Klasse von Energiewaffen, die neben den Disruptoren zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Waffensystemen gehören. Insbesondere in der Sternenflotte der Föderation stellen Phaser die Standardwaffen dar. Sie sind die Nachfolger der Phasenkanonen.
  • Phasers can pass through any solid object. By utilizing psychical energies, in compound with the molecular structure of solid objects in the vicinity, Phasers pass directly through walls, speeding cars, closed doors, and humans. Proper practice with this power can train one to let bullets and other harmful projectiles to phase through the Phaser unharmed.
  • This is a super-powerful tower equipped with a particle accelerator. It charges up for sixteen seconds, then fires, blasting away two bloons per shot, melting lead, and doing big damage to ceramic bloons. It costs $3400 Easy. It looks like a Radiant Defense Judgment Ray Gauss Gun mounted on an Electro Tower
  • A phaser is capable of "stunning" "heating" "killing" and "disrupting" objects. The type two phaser has sixteen settings. The weapon is designed to be carried in a left hip mounted holster. This article is a stub. You can help Star Trek TCM Wiki by expanding it!
  • The Phaser is a Standard weapon for Starfleet and has 2 settings stun and kill allowing for a non-lethal way to apprehend a person. It appears in many games Due to its popularity and its common use in the Television Series.
  • The Phaser is a weapon most commonly used by the Federation.
  • The sixth weapon upgrade available from an outpost.
  • [[Datei:MirandaPhaser2.jpg|thumb|Ein Raumschiff der MIRANDA-KLASSE feuert einen Phaser ab]] Die Phaser sind eine große Klasse von Energiewaffen, die neben den Disruptoren zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Waffensystemen gehören. Insbesondere in der Sternenflotte der Föderation stellen Phaser die Standardwaffen dar.
  • The phaser (an acronym for PHASed Energy Rectification) is a standard weapon that has been issued to Starfleet personnel since the 23rd century.
  • A phaser is a type of directed-energy weapon used by many galactic governments, and was most commonly seen in use by Starfleet. Phasers could be hand-held or ship-mounted. In One Possible Timeline Starfleet Began using Ship Mounted Phaser Weapons in 2195 as a Replacement of the Phase cannon and the Laser Bank, However in 2242, a New Type of Laser weapon known as the Phased laser took over as the main Directed-energy weapon in the entire fleet before being replaced by a More Powerfull Phaser Weapon in 2257. Old Hand Held Phaser Weaponry was Introduced in the 2200s, However Laser Pistols Replaced Phaser Pistols in 2242, However by 2257 Starfleet Created A Better Version of the Phaser Pistol however The Phaser Pistol wouldn't be The Main Hand Held Weapon until 2265.
  • Il raggio di un phaser può stordire, scaldare, uccidere o disintegrare gli esseri viventi. I phaser possono danneggiare gli scudi o altri sistemi, oltre a perforare una corazza dello scafo. I phaser possono venire usati per "tagliare" muri e per scavare attraverso la roccia. Il raggio può essere concentrato ad un singolo fascio o espanso per colpire una vasta area.
  • Phaser weaponry was invented during the 23rd century. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" ) The technology was used by Starfleet as early as 2233; the USS Kelvin was equipped with ship-mounted phaser banks. (Star Trek) Phaser rifles were used as early as 2265, although at that time officers were still armed with laser pistols. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" ) In 2269, starship bridges were defended by an automatic bridge defense system programmed to defend the ship from capture. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star") On Deneb V, in 2268, death by phaser was one method of execution for those who were given the death penalty. (TOS: "I, Mudd" )
  • thumb|Phaser thumb|Phaser ze Star Trek TOS Phaser je standardní paprskový zbraňový systém Federace. Název "phaser" je zkratka sousloví PHASed Energy Rectification. Tento systém se zavedl do služby kolem roku 2255, když nahradil původní laserové zbraně. Všechny phasery vydávají energetický paprsek o různé síle. Osobní phasery dokážou omráčit či zabít nepřítele, stupeň omráčení lze nastavit. Lodní phasery jsou schopny poškodit štíty nebo rozříznout trup lodi.thumb|Výstřel z phaserové pušky
  • Flying
  • right
  • Phaser
  • Suono di un colpo di phaser manuale
  • The sound of a hand phaser firing
  • Magic
  • Mechanical
  • Shoots the enemy with a phaser beam, dealing 24 Magic damage.
  • inv_weapon_rifle_10
  • Phaser.ogg
  • Phaser.ogg
  • 90.0
  • ALRIGHTY...Let's have a phaser picture here? I'll see if i can dig one out ...Nope. Do not fear, I shall instead settle for a picture of Chuck Norris. ...You happy?
  • thumb|Phaser thumb|Phaser ze Star Trek TOS Phaser je standardní paprskový zbraňový systém Federace. Název "phaser" je zkratka sousloví PHASed Energy Rectification. Tento systém se zavedl do služby kolem roku 2255, když nahradil původní laserové zbraně. Všechny phasery vydávají energetický paprsek o různé síle. Osobní phasery dokážou omráčit či zabít nepřítele, stupeň omráčení lze nastavit. Lodní phasery jsou schopny poškodit štíty nebo rozříznout trup lodi.thumb|Výstřel z phaserové pušky Phasery jsou založeny na rychlém nadionovém účinku, pomocí něhož prochází energie speciálním phaserovým krystalem, mající za následek vyprázdnění přechodných nadionových částic (pomocí nadionů lze vypátrat, že se v daném místě konala nějaká střelba). Nadionové sub-částice mají proměnné účinky na vnitroatomární pouta částic, se kterými probíhá interakce, přičemž je nutno brát v úvahu závislost na mase zmíněných částic. To je důležité pro využití proti hvězdným lodím. Lodní trupy a pancíře jsou mnohem odolnější vůči nadionovým změnám, než životní formy. Ničivé účinky nadionových atomárních interaktivních změn mohou být modifikovány tak, aby v různých situacích vyvolaly různé účinky - mírné až absolutně destruktivní. Phasery, jako částicové zbraně, mají rychlost pod rychlostí světla (relativní i absolutní hodnotou). Rychlost je pak určena možnostmi emitérů od 0,2c do 0,986c.
  • The pulse phaser cannon, unlike a conventional phaser array, fired bolts of energy rather then a beam discharge. This points to a considerably different design. They were more powerful than a normal phaser, due to the destructive energy being delivered onto the target all at once, instead of a steady beam like a conventional phaser, yet seem to have shorter range than traditional, ship mounted phaser arrays. The weapon was substantially more effective than conventional phaser arrays at piercing shielded objects, and was originally designed to defend against a Borg attack. One of the first Starfleet ships to use such weapons was the Defiant-Class. These arrays seem to be mounted in pairs on the port and starboard sides of the ship, and are fired in unison.
  • Second-in-command of the Astro Squad, Phaser's combiner partner is the over-enthusiastic Blast Master. The need to double-check and triple-check his partner's moves is why he's perfect for his position. French name (Canada): Faisceau
  • Die Phaser sind eine große Klasse von Energiewaffen, die neben den Disruptoren zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Waffensystemen gehören. Insbesondere in der Sternenflotte der Föderation stellen Phaser die Standardwaffen dar. Sie sind die Nachfolger der Phasenkanonen.
  • Phasers can pass through any solid object. By utilizing psychical energies, in compound with the molecular structure of solid objects in the vicinity, Phasers pass directly through walls, speeding cars, closed doors, and humans. Proper practice with this power can train one to let bullets and other harmful projectiles to phase through the Phaser unharmed.
  • This is a super-powerful tower equipped with a particle accelerator. It charges up for sixteen seconds, then fires, blasting away two bloons per shot, melting lead, and doing big damage to ceramic bloons. It costs $3400 Easy. It looks like a Radiant Defense Judgment Ray Gauss Gun mounted on an Electro Tower
  • A phaser is capable of "stunning" "heating" "killing" and "disrupting" objects. The type two phaser has sixteen settings. The weapon is designed to be carried in a left hip mounted holster. This article is a stub. You can help Star Trek TCM Wiki by expanding it!
  • Il raggio di un phaser può stordire, scaldare, uccidere o disintegrare gli esseri viventi. I phaser possono danneggiare gli scudi o altri sistemi, oltre a perforare una corazza dello scafo. I phaser possono venire usati per "tagliare" muri e per scavare attraverso la roccia. Il raggio può essere concentrato ad un singolo fascio o espanso per colpire una vasta area. Il plasma viene convogliato in un emettitore phaser che lo converte in una scarica di particelle nadion. Le particelle residue del fuoco di un phaser, possono essere agevolmente rilevate nei luoghi in cui recentemente sono stati usate queste armi. L'effetto distruttivo delle scariche di nadion possono venire modulate per produrre diversi effetti (vedi oltre), spaziando dai fini benefici a quelli estremamente distruttivi. (VOY: "Ladri di organi", "Monumento", "Fine del gioco") I phaser in dotazione al personale della Flotta Stellare, sono essenzialmente di tre tipi: il phaser di tipo 1 (phaser manuale) era piccolo e poteva essere nascosto facilmente. Il phaser di tipo 2 era più grande e portatile. Possedeva un manico più lungo o un calcio da pistola, a seconda del modello. Il phaser di tipo 3, che era anche chiamato fucile phaser, aveva una canna più lunga, un impugnatura e alcuni modelli avevano un secondo manico. Quest'arma poteva sparare raggi o singoli colpi. Nel corso di secoli di utilizzo, si sono succeduti diversi modelli del leggero ed efficace fucile phaser. (TOS: "Il mostro dell'oscurità"; TNG: "Con gli occhi della mente") Al di là di questi, i phaser possono essere anche in dotazione fra i dispositivi di difesa, come per i phaser di tipo 4 utilizzati sulle navette della Flotta Stellare e altri piccoli veicoli, fino ad arrivare ai grandi banchi phaser e matrici di phaser delle navi stellari e delle stazioni spaziali. Esistono diverse classi di banchi, matrici ed emettitori, come ad esempio i potenti phaser di tipo 8 e il cannone phaser. (TNG: "Il diritto di essere", "Il tenente Ro"; VOY: "Falsa vita e prosperità") I phaser manuali possono essere sovraccaricati, intenzionalmente o per un atto di sabotaggio. I phaser nel processo di sovraccarico emettono un tipico suono ad alta frequenza. L'arma rilascerà tutta la sua energia in un esplosione capace di provocare danni considerevoli nell'ambiente circostante. Nel 2266, Lenore Karidian tentò di uccidere James T. Kirk nascondendo un phaser sovraccarico nella sua cabina. (TOS: "La magnificenza del re") Nel 2269, Kirk, McCoy e Sulu rimasero quasi uccisi mentre si trovavano su un pianeta, avamposto dei Kalandan, quando il suo computer difensivo fuse i controlli del phaser di Kirk, provocandone il sovraccarico. (TOS: "Un pianeta ostile") Informazioni di retroscenaIn accordo a Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual un possibile metodo per sovraccaricare un phaser, implica il disinnesco del sistema di sicurezza che normalmente gestisce il sistema di alimentazione dell'arma. Ciò permette il trasferimento dell'energia dalla cella alla sezione di precaricamento, quindi ritorna alla cella energetica più velocemente di quanto essa possa riassorbire l'energia, causandone il sovraccarico. I phaser personali vengono anche utilizzati dal personale della Flotta Stellare come strumenti, non solo come armi. Il phaser può essere usato per scaldare rocce e pietre per ottenere calore. (TOS: "Il duplicato") Worf inoltre utilizzò il suo phaser di tipo 2 per scavare una galleria sul pianeta cardassiano Celtris III. (TNG: "Il peso del comando - prima parte") Modelli differenti di phaser producono suoni diversi quando sparano, a seconda del modello e delle impostazioni. I colpi dei phaser della Federazione tipicamente emettono un fischio acuto o un suono impetuoso, ad esempio. Una persona esperta può sfruttare questo suono per distinguere i vari tipi. (TOS: "Missione di pace"; DS9: "Il sacrificio degli angeli") Nel 2369, due phaser manuali di tipo 2 impostati al massimo livello non furono in grado di penetrare la blindatura interna in toranium dei portelli cardassiani. Il maggiore Kira Nerys consigliò di utilizzare una torchia bipolare per aprire un varco. (DS9: "Il cucciolo") Nella realtà alternativa creata dall'incursione di Nero, i phaser manuali della fine degli anni 2250 emettevano colpi di energia, anziché i flussi di energia costante generati dai phaser della realtà primaria. Inoltre, questi phaser erano dotati di un selettore rotante che serviva per cambiare la modalità impostandola per uccidere o stordire. (Star Trek)
  • The Phaser is a Standard weapon for Starfleet and has 2 settings stun and kill allowing for a non-lethal way to apprehend a person. It appears in many games Due to its popularity and its common use in the Television Series.
  • The Phaser is a weapon most commonly used by the Federation.
  • The sixth weapon upgrade available from an outpost.
  • Phaser weaponry was invented during the 23rd century. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" ) The technology was used by Starfleet as early as 2233; the USS Kelvin was equipped with ship-mounted phaser banks. (Star Trek) Phaser rifles were used as early as 2265, although at that time officers were still armed with laser pistols. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" ) In 2269, starship bridges were defended by an automatic bridge defense system programmed to defend the ship from capture. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star") On Deneb V, in 2268, death by phaser was one method of execution for those who were given the death penalty. (TOS: "I, Mudd" ) Hand lasers were presumably used simultaneously with hand phasers, as in Star Trek, the crew of the USS Kelvin were equipped with phaser pistols. [1] [2] The weapons used by the Human clones of the Mariposa colony were described in the script of TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" as "phaser-like weapons". The technology was presumably developed independently some time after the colony ship had left Earth in 2123. [3] In the 2270s, phaser power systems of Federation starships were redesigned to channel power directly from the warp core, thereby increasing the power output of phaser banks. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) The 24th century saw many new advanced forms of phaser weaponry for the Federation, such as the ever more powerful phaser arrays that made use of multiple phaser emitter segments, the rapid-fire phaser cannons and new compression phaser rifles. (Star Trek: The Next Generation, all; DS9: "The Search, Part I"; VOY: "Caretaker") As a historical note, the regenerative phaser was chosen instead of the TR-116 for development. (DS9: "Field of Fire") The SC-4 shuttlecraft from an alternate early-25th century featured four hot-ready filament phasers according to a sketch by Rick Sternbach. In the alternate 26th century, seen in ENT: "Azati Prime", the Federation still appeared to be utilizing phaser arrays on their starships at the Battle of Procyon V. Also, in the undeveloped Star Trek: Final Frontier animated series set in the 26th century, Starfleet hand-phasers, [4] phaser banks, [5] and phaser cannons [6] were intended to be featured according to storyboards and the script. [7] In the 29th century, phaser pistols were still used by Starfleet, (VOY: "Relativity") but subatomic disruptors were used on timeships, such as the Aeon, as a ship-mounted directed energy weapon. (VOY: "Future's End")
  • [[Datei:MirandaPhaser2.jpg|thumb|Ein Raumschiff der MIRANDA-KLASSE feuert einen Phaser ab]] Die Phaser sind eine große Klasse von Energiewaffen, die neben den Disruptoren zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Waffensystemen gehören. Insbesondere in der Sternenflotte der Föderation stellen Phaser die Standardwaffen dar.
  • The phaser (an acronym for PHASed Energy Rectification) is a standard weapon that has been issued to Starfleet personnel since the 23rd century.
  • A phaser is a type of directed-energy weapon used by many galactic governments, and was most commonly seen in use by Starfleet. Phasers could be hand-held or ship-mounted. In One Possible Timeline Starfleet Began using Ship Mounted Phaser Weapons in 2195 as a Replacement of the Phase cannon and the Laser Bank, However in 2242, a New Type of Laser weapon known as the Phased laser took over as the main Directed-energy weapon in the entire fleet before being replaced by a More Powerfull Phaser Weapon in 2257. Old Hand Held Phaser Weaponry was Introduced in the 2200s, However Laser Pistols Replaced Phaser Pistols in 2242, However by 2257 Starfleet Created A Better Version of the Phaser Pistol however The Phaser Pistol wouldn't be The Main Hand Held Weapon until 2265. The Hydran Kingdom operated two versions of a shipboard rapid-fire phaser that could fire four times as fast as normal shipboard phasers. While useful for point-defense, it acted more like a pulse phaser in regards to targeting other capital ships. (Star Fleet Battles)
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